03 August 2010

The Miracle Elixir: Green Tea

My friends, I'm probably late on this one...but, green tea is seriously making me happy. I would have never believed the claims to be true. Yet, it happened. My tummy is shrinking. Naturally, I make a conscious effort to eat well and incorporate some form of physical activity: weekly. But this stuff [the tea] works. It's true.

What brand do I drink? Nothing fancy. Lipton or Uncle Lee's Tea. Affordable. Drink about 4 to 5 cups a week. If you (or family/friends) notice any results, please twitter me or leave a comment. I would love to know I'm not the only one noticing this maddening miracle!! Try it, you may be surprised.



  1. What do you mean? Does it suppress appetite? I know it's really healthy. I ought to drink it more often!

  2. Hi Café Bellini!!

    Not sure if it suppresses your appetite. I haven't noticed any difference in being less hungry. All I know for sure is that in less than two weeks, my mid section was miraculously shrinking.

    If you happen to try it, please let me know if it did (or did not) work for you.

  3. hmmm will up my intake! curious about effect on stomach and possible shrinkage!

  4. Hi TIGHTWAD!!

    If your tummy starts shrinking, please come back and let me know. I feel as though I'm the only one experiencing this discovery.
