31 July 2010

Lifetime: Project Runway Season 8 (My Secret)

Project Runway Season 8 is already rocking and in full swing. The show premiered Thursday, July 29, 2010. The first episode, which was 90 amazing minutes long, placed extreme pressure on the eager designers -- they had just five hours to create a fabulous outfit!  Talk about pressure and on national television...a very intense and nail biting situation lending to the makings of good Reality TV.

In any case, I'm excited about what these new designers will be bringing to the table this season. Amazingly, I get incredibly nervous for the them when the models walk the runway and when they face the judges. Yes, completely ridiculous - but it's the truth. This season is going to be very interesting.

Ah yes, almost forgot to share my secret -- I set the DVR to record the show so that I can fast forward towards the end. [Long Live Individual Style] Carry On!


30 July 2010

Magazine: Runner's World (August 2010)

August 2010 issue of Runner's World has yet to arrive in my sweet little mailbox - wonder what's the hold up...

Look of the Week: Casual (Pre-Fall Season)

Happy Hour
Persol, Chico's, Prada, Rick Owens, Anya Hindmarch
Casual attire - hanging out with friends.

Long Live Individual Style™

28 July 2010

Video: Tribute to Josephine Baker

Video: Theme from Mahogany - Do You Know Where You're Going To -- Diana Ross

Quote: Dr. Suess

 “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”- Dr. Suess


Old Hollywood - Style and Sophistication

Dorothy Dandridge

Lena Horne
Diahann Carroll
Ruby Dee

HBO Series True Blood: (Vampire) Style

My friends, I am obsessed with the HBO Series True Blood - the dynamics within each episode could rightly spin off into other series. Alas, my interest in the story line is not the primary focus of this particular post. In true form, let's get down to business...the fashions, highlighting vampire style and dare I say -- sophistication.

Introducing: Queen Sophie-Anne LeClerq played by Evan Rachel Woods. In one episode, the queen lounges by the pool (inside her home) reading a vintage Vogue magazine.  How fabulous is that?

Eric Norman, played by Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård. This character's wardrobe screams style and sophistication -- form fitting sweater or viking attire - doesn't matter, his demeanor exudes smooth operator.

Last but not least, a round of a applause for the wardrobe style and sophistication of Lorena, played by Mariana Klaveno. The character's personality: polar opposite. One word comes to mind -- ingenious.

The person behind the varied styles in the series - head costume designer Audrey Fisher, 2010 Costume Designers Guild Award nominee for HBO’s True Blood - background: theater, opera houses, and now television & film.

Long Live Beauty. Long Live Magnificence. Long Live Individual Style.


27 July 2010

Thought Bubble: Twitter

The Story: Sometimes I don't feel like tweeting. If I bring this thought into action (which I won't), I'll probably start by gradually reducing tweet updates followed by ending the account all together. I've done it before.  Most importantly, I'll have to fight the urge to go back. Alas, it's just a thought. Twitter is addictive!


Thought Bubble: Beauty

My friends, I see beauty in the strangest of settings. Even in the midst of chaos, one can find beauty [LLB].


HBO Film Grey Gardens: The Fashions

Documentary Grey Gardens (1976)
HBO Film Grey Gardens (2009)

HBO Film Grey Gardens portrays the life of "Big Edie" and "Little Edie" Bouvier Beale, relatives of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. The movie uses filmmakers Albert and David Maysles 1976 documentary, "Grey Gardens" as the framework for the film.

Although I loved the movie, what drew my attention most were the fashions worn by Little Edie played by Drew Barrymore.

Photo: The Daily Beast
Let's get down to business - the Champagne silk charmeuse hooded gown worn by Drew Barrymore in the film - loved it. My jaw dropped (seriously) when I saw that magnificent piece of art. The gown is a replica of the one made for Little Edie - she wore this piece to the 1930's Bohemian party at Grey Gardens.

Little Edie's outfit in the above image is from the scene when the family first arrived at Grey Gardens.

Little Edie 1970s - she may have been in her 60s when she wore this piece.

Photo: The Daily Beast
The above sketch represents the 1930's Midnight blue bias gown made for Big Edie. This gown was also worn to Little Edie's Debutante ball - tried to find an image of Big Edie wearing the gown -- no luck.

Want to see more? Check out The Daily Beast - the website showcases a short gallery of the styles worn in the film.

The person behind all of this magnificence? None other than costume designer Cat Thomas -- the talent behind Uma Thurman’s neon yellow fight suit in Kill Bill, Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin’s folksy frocks in A Prairie Home Companion, and Katherine Heigl’s endless slew of bridesmaid gowns in 27 Dresses.

Long Live Beauty, Long Live Magnificence, and Long Live Individual Style.


26 July 2010

Thought Bubble: Job Hunting

Looking for employment every cotton picking day is a pain in the arse. I usually end the day with a happy dance....or seance, depending on my mood. Tonight I'm considering a seance. xo, BB

Thought Bubble: Blogging

All of my blog postings will be short and sweet.  In other news, I want an awesome digital camera to start posting my own videos and pictures. That is all.


Quote: Willy Wonka

“Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple” - Willy Wonka

Grocery Store Adventures: Kroger

The spouse and I stopped by the local grocery store this morning -- this grocery store always amazes me. The layout is very sophisticated. They even have a professional chef working in the market place. Imagine that...

The Mom Chronicles: What's For Dinner?

Slap Happy Casserole

25 July 2010

Quote: Dr. Maya Angelou

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Dr. Maya Angelou

24 July 2010

The Mom Chronicles: Where are you?

My friends, I'm telling you I am unable to go anywhere without being asked, "Mommy, where are you?" or "Mommy, where are you going?" -- so, in the spirit of lightheartedness (and to keep my sanity), I make announcements around the house - especially when I have to go to the loo. It's absurd yet o so necessary. I love being silly and I love my children. [Long Live Beauty]


Quote: Thomas Edison

If we all did the things we are capable of,
we would astound ourselves.
- Thomas Edison

The Little Things: HelloGoodbye Grapefruit

Hello Friends!

Today was simply grand, due in part to a marvelous find: a delicious grapefruit. This grapefruit obviously had been hiding from me for weeks, it had snuggled itself in the back of the refrigerator bottom drawer. Today, I opened the drawer expecting to find oranges. To my surprise, a single grapefruit rolled to the front. I felt like a kid on Christmas Day. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was beaming with delight. The grapefruit had spoken. No longer in hiding. It was ready to be eaten and I my friends was ready to eat it. Delicious.


22 July 2010

Video: Eartha Kitt - I Want To Be Evil (Live Kaskad 1962)

Quote: Dr. Maya Angelou

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

-- Dr. Maya Angelou

My Magic Wand: Obesity Epidemic

When I see an extremely overweight person (especially the elderly) struggling to walk or get around — at that moment, I wish I had a magic wand to take the weight (pain) away. *sad face

Quotelicious: Biting My Knuckle

You'll find me biting my knuckle while strutting along the high road of life -- BB

Open Letter to Men: Your Finger Nails

Dearest Men of the Earth:

Please do the world a favor and clean your man nails before you dine at a restaurant or visit someone in their home.

Thank you.


21 July 2010

Shout Out Time: Introducing...Ope, The Stylist and The Obsessionista!

This post is necessary -- I am always deeply honored by anyone who takes the time out of their day to support my endeavors...no matter how big or small.

The Story: The first week of starting 'The BlacBlouse Show' two people who I highly regard in Twitter World started following my blog.

Meet: Ope the Stylist, an artist who works as a fashion stylist, creative director of fashion photo shoots, image consultant and personal shopper. Tweet tweet: Ope. Check out her blog .:OPÉStyle:.

Meet: The Obsessionista, she's a girl on the verge, Brooklynite, clothes obsessed blogger, lover of all things stylish and beautiful. Tweet tweet: The Obsessionista. Check out her blog The Obsessionista - Obsessively Compulsed.

I appreciate these ladies -- They're awesome. I heart them. Please check them out.


Alert: My Last Issue of The Oprah Magazine (gasp)

This August 2010 issue of The Oprah Magazine immediately reminded me of my Chicago twitter buddy (@ChicagoStyle), the person behind the blog - The MidWestern Front

You can also find vlogs of  The MidWestern Front on YouTube.

ChicagoStyle's specialty is translating runaway looks with high - low styling. Check her out!


For Moi? Sephora, you shouldn't have...I'll take it !!

As a result of becoming a Beauty Insider on Sephora.com, the good people there are giving me a birthday gift. I am more than excited and grateful to receive this special collection for my beloved eyes. Cheers to the good folks at Sephora. I extend blessings to them and members of their family [Long Live Beauty].


20 July 2010

Conversations: Unemployment - Head on Fire

Follow my blog with bloglovin

The Associated Press -- Washington. "President Barack Obama is thanking senators for acting to restore unemployment benefits to 2.5 million people who began losing their checks weeks ago."

A close family member has been in my ear for a good month discussing with extreme intensity on how the holdout has placed a financial strain on their family. I understand wholeheartedly. However, the conversation always leaves me with the side of my head feeling like it's on fire. So my friends, I'm pleased to read of this news reported from the good people working at The Associated Press. My mood is calm and all is well in my world -- for the moment.


19 July 2010

Welcome to The BlacBlouse Show

I am so excited to share my lighthearted quirky musings in the form of a blog. Nothing intense will be posted -- unless of course, I'm making a funny. I love visuals -- so there definitely will be pictures to illustrate maddening thoughts on subjects that interest me. Enjoy!
