16 November 2010

BlacBlouse Memoir: The Others vs. The Golden Pricks

This new job of mine ...

... tires me. The hours fluctuate from week to week, sometimes I am scheduled to work early mornings, afternoons, or late evenings - most times, I forget when my shift ends.  This Thursday is the best part...the establishment has me scheduled for a split shift. I work in one area for about 4 hours -- clock out, wait 30 minutes, then clock back in so that I may sweat my neck in another area.

Needless to say, this job (unfortunately) gets on my everlasting nerves. For the first time ever, I questioned the purpose of a higher education.  As a result of my constant thinking (translation: feeling sorry for myself) right then and there I wanted to cry my eyes out - walk out - scream or throw a bucket of water at the next person who wants to know how I'm doing -- or tells me..."to get this done a little faster." OH. MY. FRICKN. GAWD! Please give me strength...

And then it happened...

Today I found out I was not alone, there were others. People at the job who had or are in the process of obtaining their graduate degree.  I call these people, The Others.  The Others are underemployed persons with post graduate education.  The Others are people who had sparkles in their eyes upon completion of their graduate studies.  The Others had high hopes and expectations believing the risk they took is well worth the effort.  The Others are still working hard my friends -- hard manual labor. The Others are having a hard time securing a position which coincides with their employment experience and college education.  You may see The Others pushing brooms, washing windows, mopping floors, taking out the trash, stocking shelves, pushing carts.  You may also find The Others taking bullshyt demands from people who believe they're entitled to be the Golden Prick -- Golden Pricks suffer from several diseases, two of them more commonly known as superiority complex ten and the brown nose syndrome.  It is important to note that these diseases are highly contagious.

My message to the Golden Prick: For the love of all things beautiful go sit down and stop breathing.  You and your clan are becoming a nuisance to society.  Worst, you spread germs and smell bad.

My friends, please be careful if you come in contact with this type of individual -- they'll try to suck the life out of you.  That is all for now. I need to conserve my strength. The End. Good-bye.

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